lundi 26 janvier 2015

Air units

Discover all the information about the product Classic air conditioning unit EXPAIR - CIAT and find where you can buy it. Contact the manufacturer directly to receive. CIAT expert in air conditioning, heating, refrigeration, air handling, heat exchange for housing, offices, shopping centres, hotels, healthcare and industries. Discover all the products from CIAT and see a list of their distributors. Contact the manufacturer directly for a quote. PAGE TITLE CIAT, the expertise of an european leader in air conditioning, heating, refrigeration and heat exch. PCA Units - Air-Conditioning Products for Ramp. CIAT, the leading HVAC Company in Europe brings expertise to the wider range of air-conditioning products ever for the. Discover all the information about the product Independant roof-top air handling unit SPACE PF - CIAT and find where you can buy it. Contact the manufacturer directly.

CIAT: Heating, Ventilation, Air conditioning - ArchiExpo

CIAT, leading industrial group in the field of heating by heat pumps, centralised air conditioning, air handling and heat exchange designs, manufactures and markets. Find Ciat (uk) Ltd on. Get contact details, gallery, services and general information. Space PF – Rooftop air air units. Capacity: Cooling: 22 to 276 kW – Heating: 22 to 286 kW. Air flow: 4000 to 46000 m?/h. Markets: Hotels Shopping centres. - CIAT, the expertise of an european leader in air.

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